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Thursday 11 August 2011

Day 225: The Lord’s condemnation

Yesterday felt like Ezekiel shook me till my teeth rattled - what will today bring?
The Lord’s departure
Ezekiel 10:16-22
Jerusalem is condemned
Ezekiel 11:1-13
God’s promise to the exiles
Ezekiel 11:14-21
God’s glory leaves Jerusalem
Ezekiel 11:22-25
Ezekiel the refugee
Ezekiel 12:1-7
The approaching captivity
Ezekiel 12:8-12, 15-16
The sign of the trembling prophet
Ezekiel 12:17-20
Objections answered
Ezekiel 12:21-28
False male prophets condemned
Ezekiel 13:1-6
False female prophets condemned
Ezekiel 13:17-23

Ezekiel is struggling to understand what God is doing. He is terrified that this is the end for Israel (and presumably the exiles shared his fear). Partly this is about understanding what God has allowed such a calamity to happen - their wickedness was so great - and partly it’s to reassure them that they have not been abandoned by God, but in the end he will bring them back.
So although God’s glory has left Jerusalem, it hasn’t vanished for ever. Ezekiel has seen it, here by the Kebar river, in exile. God’s glory has come here. The exiles aren’t beyond his reach.
Ezekiel meanwhile is spirited back to Jerusalem to witness what a mess they are in. He reports back to the exiles - they get an up to date news report on happenings in Jerusalem courtesy of this trembling prophet. He also acts out the last flight of the king - digging out through the wall of his palace and running for his life. This is all going to happen - don’t think that it won’t.

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