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Monday 11 April 2011

Day 102: David turns to his God

The title today backs up all I was thinking yesterday. David is different, because in trouble, he turns to God. Unlike the Israelites as a whole, who did turn to God in repentance when things were really bad, David never turns away in the first place.

Jonathan warns David
1 Samuel 19:1-3
David's confidence in the Lord
Psalm 11
Saul’s behaviour towards David
1 Samuel 19:4-11
Michal helps David
1 Samuel 19:12-17
David's prayer for safety
Psalm 59
David flees to Samuel
1 Samuel 19:18-24
David's prayer for justice
Psalm 7
David's prayer for guidance and protection
Psalm 25
David consults Jonathan
1 Samuel 20:1-11

The rivalry between Saul and David is getting worse. Repeatedly, David escapes Saul’s clumsy attempt to kill him. Clearly Saul is half hearted about it. He’s king. He could have said, “Guards, kill him!” And they would have. That’s what guards do. But Saul sees in David what he wanted to be. Killing him would be like killing his better self.
An interesting side line is the way that Michal protects her husband by hiding an idol in his bed. What she doing with an idol in the first place? Has she been worshipping other gods for some time? Is that why Saul thought she would lead David astray? If so, he was very wrong, because idolatry is one sin that David never committed.
David’s inner response to the political turmoil is fascinating. As I read the three Psalms set for today, what I find is that he describes the bad situation he is in, the enemies he faces, then he turns and describes God. He looks on the bad, but remains unaffected by it, he looks on the Good, and his heart melts. David is not swayed by evil, it simply washes over him. But he is a sucker for love. God’s love compels him, always and completely.

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