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Friday 2 September 2011

Day 247: Division of land

Ezekiel is managing to sound like Moses - reordering the nation as it was when they first took over the Promised Land.
The land’s boundaries
Ezekiel 47:13-23
Division of land among the tribes
Ezekiel 48:1-9
The priests’ and Levites’ section
Ezekiel 48:;10-2-
The prince’s section
Ezekiel 48:21-22
Land for the other tribes
Ezekiel 48:23-29
The gates of Jerusalem
Ezekiel 48:30-35
More prophecy against Egypt
Ezekiel 29:17-21, 30:1-19

Ezekiel describes the extent of the land, and allots its territories, very much like Moses did back when we were reading Numbers. The main difference seems to be a “sacred portion” - a wodge of land around Jerusalem and the Temple, reserved for the priests, Levites and the Prince.
Ezekiel crowns it all off by describing the gates of the city of Jerusalem, named after the 12 tribes, and give the city a new name: “THE LORD IS THERE.” After the agony of watching the glory of the Lord leave Jerusalem, he finishes his book with the glorious hope that God will be back, dwelling with his people once again.
As an afterthought, and leading in to the next part of the story, Ezekiel mentions Nebuchadnezzar’s military successes against Egypt. Now we need to look closely at how God works with this foreign potentate.

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