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Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 60: Balak meets Balaam

1st of March today, and I've done two months! Well done to everyone who's reading along with me. If you've just come to this post in May, then welcome! There is no competition. May God bless you as you read the Bible.

Today's story is one of those weird but powerful stories I have read many times, but it will be very different to read it in context. Bring it on!

The Israelites camp in Moab

Numbers 22:1, 33:48-9

Balak sends for Balaam

Numbers 22:2-2

Balaam’s ass talks

Numbers 22:22-35

Baaam and Balak meet

Numbers 22:36-41

Balak’s sacrifice, and Balaam’s blessing

Numbers 23:1-10

Balak’s disappointment

Numbers 23:1-10

Balaam again blesses Israel

Numbers 23:16-24

Balak’s third sacrifice

Numbers 23:25-30

Balaam predicts Israel’s happiness

Numbers 24:1-14

What an extraordinary story! Balak, the King of Moab, having heard what Israel did to the Amorites, reckons that he is next on their hit list. He thinks he has the mans to beat them. There is a certain man, who has some weird spiritual power. he is able to curse things, and then they lose their strength. So he sends for him.

Balaam is a little bit like Melchizedech, who Abraham met, a mysterious figure who knows about God. It seems that Balaam used his knowledge of God to acquire a reputation as a witch doctor, and the locals were in awe of his power. But he’s well aware that the power doesn’t come from him, and isn’t under his control. So although Balak offers him a huge payment, he’s reluctant to go and curse the Israeiltes, because God tells him not to.

When eventually he does go, he’s taught a lesson by his donkey, who sees the angel blocking the way when Balaam can’t see him, and eventually speaks, humbling Balaam and reminding him not to overstep the mark.

Balak offers no end of sacrifices and tries three times to get a curse out of Balaam, but all he does is bless Israel, and prophesy that good things will happen to them. Balak, disgusted, sends the awkward prophet away. He must face Israel in the knowledge that a spiritual power he knows of dimly will be fighting on his enemy’s side.

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