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Monday, 10 July 2017

Isaiah 3:1-15: Judgement against Judah

Now it's getting personal.

Isaiah warns Judah that everything they rely on is going to be stripped away. Supply and support will be removed. Prop and pillar taken away. I love the poetry of Isaiah - my commentary tells me that those two words in Hebrew are the masculine and feminine forms of the same word. All aspects of what makes the nation strong are under threat.

In a beautifully vivid image, anyone who has even a cloak left to wear will be told, "You look like a leader - tell us what to do!" People are desperate, afraid, directionless, lost. Ruled by children. Lord of the Flies.

And then at the end of the passage, the scene shifts to the courtroom. God has taken the stand.He points his finger. He accuses. "YOU!"

You have ruined my vineyard. What do you mean by it? Crushing my people, and grinding the faces of the poor?

The name Grenfell Tower springs to mind - the shameful sight of that blackened wreck stands like an accusing finger, pointing out the sins of our society.

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