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Tuesday 26 January 2016

Luke 4:38-44: No rest for miracle workers

It had been a busy day, and no doubt Jesus was glad to get an invitation to dinner in the evening. Maybe Peter's mother in law had a reputation as a good cook, and he was looking forward to a pleasant meal and relaxing conversation. Also, Jesus had his eye on Peter - he thought the noisy fisherman had leadership potential.

Unfortunately, the mother in law turned out to be poorly. The meal plans were somewhat scuppered.

Or were they? Jesus demonstrated that he could rebuke illness, as well as evil spirits, and after the family begged him to help, he healed the lady with a word. The poor soul didn't get any rest, she resumed her duties in the kitchen immediately.

Jesus didn't get any rest either. There was a banging on the door as they were clearing the last morsels from their plates, and outside was a noisy gang of neighbours, each propping up a sick or elderly friend or relative. They'd heard.

Somebody had slipped away from the meal and gone around saying, "You'll never believe what's just happened!" He was wrong there - they did believe it, all of them.

Jesus was kept busy into the night healing all kinds of illnesses and afflictions. More demons came roaring, and were sent away silenced and powerless. Tears of joy ran down every face, and voices were lifted in acclamation.

When at least Peter and the family fell into bed, no doubt they slept deeply and late. Jesus, though, was up early - out o the house and away to a secluded place before anyone could rustle up any more sick people for him to attend to.

When at last the excited townsfolk tracked him down, he told them he was moving on. He'd changed his plans. Every town and village was going to have a chance to hear him now - not Capernaum every week.

Word was spreading. Galilee would never be the same again.

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