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Thursday 7 January 2016

Luke 1:57-66 - The first miracle baby is born

I can still remember the fuss there was in the news when the first "test tube baby" was born in this country. I remember her name was Louise Brown, and she is now a wife and mother herself.

It seemed like a miracle - how excited the media were, at this new triumph for science. Dr Robert Edwards, who pioneered the IVF treatment with his colleague Patrick Steptoe, was awarded a Nobel Prize. (Steptoe missed out, having died before the prize was awarded).

So I imagine there was similar excitement at the birth of little John. His first big public moment was his circumcision ceremony, which took place when he was 8 days old, and no doubt the whole community turned out to witness it.

This was the day that baby boys received their name, and everyone would have been expecting him to be called Zechariah, after his father. But Elizabeth said "No, we're calling him John."

John?? That's not a family name! Why John?
Hmm... better check with the Dad - oh wait a minute, he can't speak.

They start trying to do sign language with him (I don't know why - there was nothing wrong with his ears!) and eventually he gets them to give him a tablet to write on.

And finally, as Zechariah demonstrated his belated obedience to the word of God given him by the angel, his speech impediment is removed, and he begins to use his new found speech in praise of God.

And of course, everyone began talking about it - what an auspicious sign! Who do you think this baby is going to turn out to be?

Tune in tomorrow, when Zechariah at last gets to tell his story.

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