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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 15: Judith Chapter 1

So I begin my second book of the Apocrypha. Straight away I’m looking for clues to help me work out when the action is set, and it’s the same time period - we’ve got the Assyrians and the Medes up against each other. Although we’ve got the name Nebuchadnezzar, he’s not the same one that Daniel knew - we are later in history than that. 
The turmoil of clashing empires at this time in history left little Israel stuck in the middle, bewildered by the ebb and flow of power.
Samaria are among a group of nations asked by Nebuchadnezzar to take his side in the battle. They refuse, not thinking he would win. Worryingly, he did, and threatens annihilation to those who refused to join his side.
So the stage is set for a difficult time for God’s people. An angry, powerful emperor has made threats of destruction against them, and in human terms, he looks well able to carry them out.


  1. I hate to sound like the "Baby Christian" that I am...but, what's the Apocrypha? and the book of Judith and Tobit? I'm very curious about what you're reading.

  2. HI Megan -
    The Apocrypha is the name given to the writings that fill in the gap between the Old and New Testaments. They're not in our Bibles, usually, because protestants have not accepted them as part of Scripture.
    I won't go into the arguments now, except to say that people feel they're not as trustworthy or as important as "real" Biblical writings. You could look at to find out more. I don't agree with everything he says, and he is rather rude about Catholics, which I dislike, but it's a good starting place.
    All I can say about the two books I've read so far is that they are more like legends than real history.
