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Thursday 18 October 2012

Bonfire night

This is my letter in November's parish magazine:

Dear friends,

By the time you read this, one of our major village events will have come and gone.
Bonfire Night on the village green is one of my highlights of the year.
Well, there’s the fireworks, of course, there’s the fun of being out at night in the dark, when everything, and everybody looks different, and there’s something thrilling about a whacking great blaze that’s hot enough to singe your eyebrows off.
The church is making a small contribution to this event each year now, by providing the insurance for something that is almost always trouble free, but where there is potential for disaster.
Sometimes, it seems to me that the church is quite good at offering insurance. We are there in case of trouble. If trouble never happens, people don’t need the church, or think about it much.
But when the sky falls in, we represent a way to get in touch with the one who can help us even in catastrophes of that magnitude.
Who better to speak to than the one who made the sky?
In the week that I’m writing this, three people who were on my most recent discussion course in the Goat pub took a step of faith and stood up in public to get confirmed. They had the courage of their convictions to stand before the Bishop and declare that they believed in the God who made heaven and earth. And the Bishop told them in his sermon that they had come to someone who could rescue them from any disaster, and whether they were troubled by disaster or danger, God would set them free.
He also told them not to think that God was only there for when their lives crashed. God is there to help life to be lived to the full.
God is there to light a blaze in our hearts that will rival even the village bonfire.



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