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Saturday 1 September 2012

Hard Teaching 2 - Practical or Spiritual?

How important is the spiritual side of the Christian faith? I love the practical application of “love thy neighbour” and the parables, but struggle with the Holy Spirit.

I'm working my way through a list of questions compiled by my congregation. There are some fine questions here, and replying to them in a helpful way is going to be really challenging. I probably won't do more than scratch the surface with any of them.

That is particularly true with today's question. I could say, somewhat dismissively, that the "spiritual side" is everything. Without it, Christians aren't Christians at all, they're social workers, or volunteers, or campaigners. But my guess is that the questioner knows that - what he or she is really asking is more about should Christians be focussed inwards, or outwards.

Time for a beef. I love contemporary worship. I love big bands, crowds of people with their hands in the air, worshipping God heart, soul, mind, body and strength. But I don't love many contemporary songs. I prefer stuff from the 80's and 90's. Ok so I'm old, I know that, but few of the songs being written right now seem to have much substance. They are all about me and how God makes me feel. (I can't believe I'm writing this - I am so turning into my Dad!)  Singing them anywhere other than in a big crowd makes my toes curl. 

Come to an ordinary small church, where there aren't any gifted musicians, and perhaps the only instrument available is an organ, and these songs sound ridiculous. What you need is something with a bit of doctrine to it. Something that declares the truth about who God is, or what we need to do for him in the world.

So I'm impatient with too much soppy soul-searching, and keen to have an attitude that encourages me to go out and make a difference. 

I too struggle with the Holy Spirit. I struggle with the fact that God wants all of me. He wants my love, not just my obedience. He wants my attention, not just my service. He wants to fill me with his Spirit until I leak glory from every orifice. (Sorry about that metaphor - perhaps it wasn't the best). 

And I can't do that just by being a decent chap. I can only do it by being so soaked in the presence of God that he literally drips off me wherever I walk. That way, my work for God, my volunteering, my campaigning, won't be either strident or self-seeking, instead it will be natural, filled with grace, and a real blessing to others.

I want to be like that. I really do. But without the Holy Spirit, I haven't a hope.

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