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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day 54: Wisdom Chapter 18

Meanwhile, the light was shining for the Israelites. While they were on their journey through the wilderness, God led them by a pillar of fire.
In poetic terms, the writer revisits the last plague of all - the death of the first born. As Egypt’s sons died, they realised finally that Israel was God’s son.
In the midst of this terrible fear and grief, a hero stood up. Aaron confront the angel of death and faced him down with his prayers. Clad (anachronistically) in his priestly robes, he claimed God’s promises and drove away the fearful instrument of God’s wrath.
All very dramatic and not to be taken too literally. Firstly, Aaron was not that much of a hero. Secondly, this account makes it sound as if God’s anger would have spilled over onto the Israelites were in not for the prayers of brave Aaron. What about the lamb’s blood splashed on the lintels of their doors? That part of the story is forgotten. Never mind, We’ll allow the writer his dramatic license.

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