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Sunday 2 October 2011

Day 276: Jesus’ childhood

Jesus - the early years. It’s a fairly short story.
The wise men
Matthew 2:1-12
The flight to Egypt
Matthew 2:13-18
From Egypt to Nazareth
Matthew 2:19-23
Jesus’ childhood in Nazareth
Luke 2:40
Birth of Paul: AD 10-15 approx
Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-50
Jesus’ early life
Luke 2:51-52
Start of John the Baptist’s ministry
Matthew 3:1-6, Mark 1:2-6, Luke 3:1-6, John 1:6-18

Weird shadowy shaman from a foreign land appear with enigmatic gifts for Jesus, and disappear as quickly as they came. The most profound effect they seem to have is to enrage Herod, who with the typical paranoia of a tyrant, decides that his throne is threatened by a baby. Mary and Joseph are forced to flee, and they go as far away as Egypt, not daring to return until Herod himself is dead. Back they go to Nazareth, though Matthew implies that Joseph might have wanted to stay south, near his ancestral home in Bethlehem. But they decide it's not a safe place for the young Jesus, and go off to the backwater that is Galilee.
We next hear about Jesus on a trip back south, to the Passover festival in Jerusalem. Like Christians today gathering at Greenbelt or Spring Harvest, Jews would pour into Jerusalem for special times of the year. Jesus, it seems, didn't want it to end, and stayed behind when the family left for home. He was impressing the religious experts with his knowledge when his angry and worried parents caught up with him.
Despite this evidence of disobedience, the rest of Jesus' childhood is one smooth story of perfection. He was a good lad, but not so outstanding that people's attention was drawn to him.
The next thing we are told about is the rise of John the Baptist. He dresses like Elijah, he preaches like Isaiah, and his like hasn't been seen for centuries. He is clearly and unmistakeably a prophet, and Israel hasn't seen one of them for 400 years.

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